I am a writer and former educator living in Southern California. I hold an M.A. in French Language & Literature and taught French and English in and near Los Angeles for many years as well as in Algiers, Algeria. I’ve received two awards for teaching French: the Friedel and Otto Eberspacher Award from The Johns Hopkins University Center for Talented Youth and the Distinguished French Educator Award from the American Association of Teachers of French of Southern California.
I am the author of Museum of Rearranged Objects (Kelsay Books) as well as of five chapbooks, including CASBAH and If You Spot Your Brother Floating By (Kattywompus) and Ghazal for a Chambermaid and Sharing Tabouli (Finishing Line). A sixth chapbook, Now, Somehow, appeared in 2022 and is a collection of poems that relate to cancer, cancer treatment, the pandemic, and general health concerns. My poetry has been read on Radio 3 of the BBC and included in a study guide for the artist-in-residence program for State Theater New Jersey. Poems have been nominated for a Pushcart and Best of the Net and have appeared or are forthcoming in the following print journals and anthologies:
-Atlanta Review
-Borderlands:Texas Poetry Review
-The Examined Life
-Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California (Scarlet Tanager)
-Forgetting Home: Poems about Alzheimer’s (Barefoot Muse)
-Good Works Review (FutureCycle)
-Jewish Women’s Literary Annual
-Love Affairs at the Villa Nelle (Kelsay Books)
-Main Street Rag
-Malala: Poems for Malala Yousafzai (FutureCycle)
-Myrrh, Mothwing, Smoke: Erotic Poems (Tupelo)
-Not Somewhere Else But Here: A Contemporary Anthology of Women & Place (Sundress)
-Off the Coast
-The Poeming Pigeon
-The Raintown Review
-Schuylkill Valley Journal
-Storm Cycle 2014: The Best of Kind of a Hurricane Press (Kind of a Hurricane Press)
-Times They Were A-Changing: Women Remember the 60s & 70s (She Writes)
-Weaving the Terrain (Dos Gatos Press)
-When a Woman Tells the Truth: Writings by Women over 80 (Many Names Press)
-Wide Awake: The Poets of Los Angeles and Beyond (Pacific Coast Poetry Series)
-You Are Here: A Journal of Creative Geography (University of Arizona)
-Pushcart Prize nomination, ("The Cup Is Half Full"), The Poeming Pigeon (2019)
-Finalist, Solstice Literary Magazine Contest (2019)
-Editor's Pick, Solstice Literary Magazine (2019)
-Merit Award, Atlanta Review (2017)
-Shortlisted poem (top 10), Able Muse Write Contest (2016)
-Finalist, Atlanta Review (2016)
-Finalist in “Back to the Roots: A Tribute to Richard Duardo,” Arroyo Arts Collective (2015)
-International Publication Award, Atlanta Review (2015)
-International Merit Award, Atlanta Review (2014)
-Finalist, Jewish Currents, Dora and Alexander Raynes Poetry Prize (2014)
-Semi-finalist, River Styx International Poetry Contest (2012, 2013)
-Semi-finalist, Gold Line Chapbook Contest, USC (2011)
-Honorable Mention (“At the Mustard Seed Café”), dotdotdash Magazine Recursive Poetry Contest (2011)
-Semi-finalist, River Styx International Poetry Contest (2011)
-3rd place (“Retro-Specs”) Artists Embassy International’s Dancing Poetry Contest (2011)
-Finalist (“Matinée) Rita Dove Poetry Prize, Salem College Center for Women Writers (2011)
-2nd Place (“Party Bus”) Newport Review Bananagram Contest (2010)
-Best of the Web Anthology nomination (“She’s an Abecedarian,” 2011)
-Best of the Net Anthology nomination (“The Children,” 2010)
-Honorable Mention (“Tsunami”), Mad Hatters’ Review Poetry Contest (2010)
-International Publication Prize winner (“Faiz”), Atlanta Review (2010)
-Finalist of note (The Road to Oxnard), Pudding House Press Chapbook Contest (2009)
-Semi-finalist, Blue Light Press Chapbook Contest (2009)
-Runner up (“Goodwill”), Alehouse Press Happy Hour Awards (2009)